Posts Tagged ‘powerful’

Powerful Frauds who remain unpunished

Sunday, March 15th, 2015

One of the major trademarks of the indian internet sector will be that allegedly some of the powerful officials will pretend to be extremely concerned about honesty and integrity. However close scrutiny of their action will show that they are themselves the most shameless frauds in the country or even the world. They will waste a huge amount of indian tax payer money to monitor a harmless webmaster for years, steal her correspondence , defaming the webmaster in the most vicious manner without proof,

However when a young diploma holder call girl from goa, siddhi mandrekar will commit corporate espionage on the innocent webmaster these fraud officials will allegedly rush to protect and reward the cheater siddhi with an important government job for her fraud. Similar when shivalli brahmin bangalore housewife nayanshree hathwar will cheat the webmaster and single woman engineer of more than Rs 1.1 lakh,these fraud powerful hypocrite officials will rush to protect and reward the cheater nayanshree with an important government job for her fraud. Additionally when the liar bsc sunaina falsely claims to own the websites and domain names,these fraud powerful hypocrite officials will not even bother to verify the claims, rush to protect and reward the liar with an important government job for her fraud at the expense of the webmaster.

Thus the powerful officials who fake concern about honesty are the most shameless frauds in the world, falsely claiming that the website and domain names, online business of the webmaster belong to their lazy greedy cheater friends and relatives who do not spend a single paisa on the expenses, do any work, or even operate the bank account . Hence people should not take their false claims and accusations seriously they have no morals or integrity at all, believing them can be a very big mistake.

Why are fraud shameless powerful officials who patronize cheater lazy greedy call girls like goan diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, sunaina, cheater brahmins like nayanshree hathwar considered to be respectable and high status, VVIPs in indian society today